Consider it Within Reach
“If a thing is humanly possible, consider it within reach.”
That is a quote by Marcus Aurelius from his book called “Meditations”. History tells us that he is one of the last five good emperors in his era, who was actually chosen and elected to the throne, because he ruled based on virtue.
Here is the full quote:
“Just because something is hard to master, do not think it is humanly impossible, but, if a thing is humanly possible, consider it within your reach.”
We often give up on trying to reach a goal because we already think we cannot do it even before we even got started.
We think,
“I want to learn how to paint, but I’m not artistic.”
“I want to learn how to do an online business, but I’m not very good with technology.”
“I want to really be a very good speaker, but I wasn’t born with that gift.”
“I’m not that talented, so I can’t do it.”
Think about this: If another human being has been able to do whatever you have wished to do, then, it is completely possible to do it for yourself. Sure, you may have different circumstances, but history tells us that everyone is capable and able. Instead of focusing on the fact that you are too young, too old, too inexperienced, have too much experience focus on the mere and obvious fact that you are a human being, just like all other human beings who breathe the same air, see the same sky, walk with two legs etc.
If it is hard, it does not mean it is impossible. If it is a challenge to master, it does not mean you cannot be the expert.
It be helpful for you to think this whenever you are stuck with a challenge on a goal or a result that you want to achieve: “If someone else has done it, I can do it too.”
Say that again: “If someone else has done it I can do it too.”

“Just because something is hard to master, do not think it is humanly impossible, but, if a thing is humanly possible, consider it within your reach.”
Marcus Aurelius wrote this quote for himself while finding things hard to master. But he did not consider them out of reach because other human beings have achieved them. He kept persevering that is why he made great accomplishments and left a lasting legacy through his philosophical teachings and leadership during difficult times.
Forget all the limitations you are thinking about yourself. Someone else has done it. Another human being has done it. You can do it too!
Now then think of that goal you thought was too hard, but now, it is possible for you as well.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, facer facilisi has id. Te mel falli quodsi labores.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, facer facilisi has id. Te mel falli quodsi labores. Ad amet platonem iudicabit vix.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, facer facilisi has id. Te mel falli quodsi labores. Ad amet platonem iudicabit vix.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.